About Our Church
Who We Are
Established in 1956, Bethel LC has been a member of the Buena Park community for over 65 years.
We provide an environment that encourages spiritual growth, learning, fellowship, and service to others through our worship services and our various activities. Bethel LC is part of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more about the LCMS, visit their web page: https://www.lcms.org/
Our Name
The name of our church comes from two Hebrew words: Beth (house) and El (God), which, when put together, means “The House of God”. And, as God’s House, all are welcome to come worship with us here at Bethel.
What We Believe
We believe and teach that the Bible is the true Word of God and that the Bible alone is the source and rule for our faith and practice.
Therefore, we believe, teach, and confess that:
– All people are born sinners.
– Sin separates us from God and His blessings, and that
sin has been passed down from one generation to the
next since the time of Adam.
– Jesus is the promised Savior who came to live in this
world as a man, suffer and die for the sins of all
mankind, and rise from the dead so that all can receive
freedom from bondage to sin, God’s guidance and
blessings in this world, and eternal life in Heaven.
– We attain these things only through Faith in Jesus
and His grace alone, not by good works or any
effort that man can make.
– God comes to us through His Word and the
Sacraments to save us, touch our lives and bless
us according to His good will.
– Regular worship of God is very important for our
emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.